Nucore Grip Series Achieves two-star ⭐️⭐️ Biobased Certification by TÜV Austria

We’re excited to announce that our Nucore grip series has received TÜV Austria’s OK Biobased 2-star certification, confirming the biobased content of the products. This certification is a significant milestone in our journey toward more sustainable bicycle components. What does OK Biobased Certification mean? For bike manufacturers, the certification provides a reliable benchmark to communicate sustainability…

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New Sustainability Report for 2023

A new Sustainability Report is out, recapping the year 2023! The report gives insight into the sustainability work that has been done at Herrmans during 2023; you will see results from our carbon footprint measurements and how our material research is manifesting in the Nucore grip series and Nordic front and rear lights. We also…

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100% Renewable Energy

We recently renewed our renewable energy agreement, and just as before we are using 100% renewable energy for our headquarters in Finland. The 100% renewable energy is used both for our manufacturing of bike components and our head office. The energy we consume is produced with 50% wind and 50% water. Herrmans has been using…

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Updated Sustainability Policy

We have recently updated our sustainability policy, you can read it here below or download a pdf file. Herrmans Bike Components Ltd.  is committed to sustainability and the responsible use of resources, and we strive to be a forerunner in sustainability in the bike industry. We believe in the triple bottom line approach of balancing…

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