At Herrmans Bike Components Ltd the winds of change were remarkable during 2019. Growing business and changes in the organisation led to investments in people and technologies.
As an example, to achieve a more stable production and gain other positive effects we have invested in a new mobile granular dryer. We have furthermore done some changes in the way we work between the Injection Moulding department to the Warehouse.
“We are developing the utilization of 5S. The idea is not to make our people work harder, but smarter. The right tempo and doing the rights things increase the efficiency” Andreas Wiklund, Production and Supply Chain Director, says.
A major upcoming project is increased level of automation in different areas. In short, this means that we do more at the machine and reduce amount of manual assembly. It is important to ensure that the technology works as cost-effectively as possible with the resources available.
“To slowly, but surely change how Herrmans Bike Components works and to implement ‘think automatic’ already at the planning / sales stage.” Karl-Gustav Henriksson, Technical Department Manager, says. “To build up maintenance that has the ability to support production and to minimize waiting times and improve the life cycle of the tools lays in the near future” he continues.
To optimize the organisation, means not only to invest in new tools and machines. A determinating factor is to have the right people at the right places. Daniel Snellman with many years of production planning experience has now been appointed Injection Moulding Manager. Kim Myllymäki is now in charge of production planning. For a smooth and effective production process we have Sami Leppävuori working as Manager for Maintenance and the Mould Changers. Jerry Renlund is our Assembly and Extruder manager, with a comprehensive expertise within rimtapes and lights. As a spider in the internal and external logistics web, we have the Logistics Manager Jani Tapanainen who looks after that the goods are shipped out in time.
The development never stops in a growing company!

In the picture: Andreas Wiklund, Karl-Gustav Henriksson and Daniel Snellman.